Fast Food for Kids

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Fast Food for Kids In the 21st century seems like time is passing faster than ever before. Often we forget to pay attention to even most common, ordinary things. When almost every minute of our daytime is counted, our habits start to change. Not only we have changed our eating habits in order to save time but also we allow children to consume fast food. In the past century fast food companies such as Mc Donald’s took over a significant part of overall food industry and also encouraged many people to consider fast food as a safe option for themselves and their kids nourishment. Many fast food restaurants are trying to provide healthier food or at least have something healthy in their menus to choose, although the main and most popular meals that most customers and their kids choose are really unhealthy. Constant consumption of such foods can cause harmful effects on young persons body and psychological/mental performance. There are just too many kids that struggle from overweight that leads to heart diseases and other health problems. While people let their children get amused by flashy and strong fast food advertisement the situation is getting worse. Many parents choose to let their kids get their lunch in fast food restaurants. Most of the times it is cheaper and more convenient to buy a meal in, for instance Mc Donald’s than in other restaurant, shop or even schools cafeteria. School’s cafeterias often provide somewhat healthy food but the presentation of it is not at all attractive and that might lead to kids decision not to have a meal at the time at all. Often we let our kids to choose where they want to eat, and they tend to choose what is more visibly attractive. There is nothing better than seeing your young-ones happy, so why not to buy them a happy meal instead of dragging them home to eat some healthy, tasteless steamed vegetables? Letting kid’s to

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