Family Vacation Essay

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My family vacation to Hawaii in 2008 was one of my favorite trips of all time. I was the perfect age to be in Hawaii with my family at the time; I was young enough where I still enjoyed going being with my family for two weeks on vacation, but old enough to remember everything and participate in “big kid” activities. I recently became scuba certified probably about a year earlier so my dad, sister, and I went scuba diving almost every day we were in Hawaii. My family LOVES to go on dives and Hawaii had to be one of the most memorable places we’ve ever been to. The last day we were there we went on a nighttime dive. It was all of our first times going on a night dive, so we were all pretty stoked. We geared up and simply walked out towards the beach. The water was perfect temperature that night; it felt like you were stepping into a slightly cold bath tub with very calm waves. Chills ran through my body as we began to descend into the pitch black water, nervous from my inability to see anything underwater before we turned our flashlights on. It happened to be humpback whale season in Hawaii and was peaking right around the day of our night dive. Since it was nighttime, the quietness was crowded with hundreds of humpback whale moans. We all had flashlights to see our way around the coral reef nearby, but there was nothing spookier than hearing the humpback whales in the pitch black distance. At night, there is a certain kind of plankton that lights up when it becomes disturbed, so as we swam around in the dark, a trail of green fluorescent algae lit up behind us and sparkled. It looked as though each of us were a fairy leaving behind a trail of neon green fairy dust behind us. At one point on the dive, our dive master brought all of us together and had us be as still as possible. We watched as he shined his light
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