Family Cultures: Is Affecting The Country In Progress Of Being Successful

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Family cultures in our country are now changing from our basic cultures. This would not let our next generation to learn about our own culture. However, this may affect our country’s advancement process towards modernization. It may also harm our next growing generation as well as our basic cultures. The education trends now following in a family are being taught to a child is faraway different than that our own previous culture had. There are many reasons, why this system slows our country being successful. The first is that in a family now, both parents, the father and the mother is working outside. They usually go to work in the morning and come back after evening or at night. Within this time their child has to stay home alone or play with his caretaker. But, as medical medical science say, a child’s primary mental stability depends on how close and how long he stays with his mother in his early ages. So, for this reasons a child – our next generation grows up with mental disorders or he does not feel been with any family. Secondly, a family is a basic learning centre. He learns his basic trainings such as manners, respects, behavior his elders. But, if he does not get his parents or elders involvement in his lessons it may derail him towards the bad side like crime and other violation. A further problem is that people in that families like to live separate in a nuclear family. The person just after getting married or after few years moves elsewhere with his wife. Moreover, they usually do not visit their parents in any occasion. The unity we used to have in our previous family system cannot be seen now. Certainly the child also has lack in learning the moral of being united. But, for a developing country unity is one of the key to become successful. So, the family cultures now we are adopting is clearly not to the benefits of country’s progress.

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