Factors That Influenced the Formation of Public Audit in Austria

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Factors that influenced the formation of public audit in Austria 1. Socio-economic factors: Austria, a country which after the Second World War, one of the poorest in Europe, has evolved over the decades into one of the richest countries in the world. Here you will find a brief description of the way. The economy was in Austria after the Second World War in a very poor condition. The infrastructure has been destroyed, manufacturing industry - is limited. In 1948 was launched the Marshall Plan. The purpose of the plan - to build an independent economy. Engine and the driving force of the economy in the early postwar years were mainly state-owned industrial enterprises. In 1952 the shilling was stable currency, rates of economic growth these years began to be expressed by double digits. Enterprises prospered significantly improved the quality of housing and infrastructure. One of the most successful factors of the Austrian economic boom was the social partnership. Good cooperation between employers and employees was the key to proper payment of wages and investment. The economic boom ended during the oil crisis of the 1970s. For the Austrian economy last 10-15 years were important accession of Austria to the European Union (1995), the opening of the former Eastern bloc and the EU enlargement to the east. Austria is an industrial country with a small domestic market, the export trade is of particular importance to the economy. Here's a summary of statistics, trade partners and product groups. In 2011, there were a significant increase in Austrian exports by 11.7%. In practical terms, the growth amounted to 122.2 billion euros, while the export quota (exports of goods and services as% of GDP) is projected at 56.6%. In comparison with the previous year as increased rates of imports and accounted for 130.8 billion. The major trading partners yeNimechchyna Austria,
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