Factor of Single Parent Family

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Factor of Single Parent Family effect children Single-parent families can be defined as families where a parent lives with dependent children, either alone or in a larger household, without a spouse or partner. Single-parent is a parent who cares for one or more children without physical assistance of another parent in home. "Single parenthood" may vary according to the local laws of different nations or regions. Single-parent families which are families with children under age 18 headed by a parent who is divorced, widowed, adoption, artificial insemination, surrogate motherhood or not married. But mostly single-parent families came about because of the death of spouse. Besides that, most of the single-parent families face common problem and special challenge, the most common problem is their children. Children who live with single father or mother, they have to take care themselves and get less care from parent because of busy working. The factors that leads the Single Parent Family effect the children are having lower level of educational achievement, no discipline, less supervised by parent, children or teenagers having conflict with their parent, economics of single-parent families, and divorce single parent finds new partner who treats the children of the previous partner badly For the lower level education achievement factor that Single Parent Family effect children, children or teenagers who live under single-parent families will face lower level of education problem, this is because the families facing finance problem, having poor economic condition, so the parent have no enough money send the children to tuition, or any learning centre to have extra learning, children just only go to the government school study. Besides that, parent who have finance problem, he or she don’t have enough money to buy the reference books for their children, they just study

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