Facebook The Social Interaction Of Everyday Life

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Facebook the social interaction of everyday life Anganita Odle Abstract What is appropriate to you? What is it about this social site that causes people to be so free with their speech? Some have their pages on private and only share with people on their “friends list”. Others might share intimate details with people they have never met before, only to find out they are somehow related to the person you are gossiping about. It’s a small world after all. To each his own, freedom of speech and all that jazz. However, remember that once it’s out there, it is there for all to see. Know that at times Facebook can contain verbal diarrhea that may over flow onto your page. Sure there are some friends out there that just don’t know how to censor themselves. Luckily there are a few buttons on Facebook, which come in handy. The delete comment button can come in very handy. You type and double think, maybe that shouldn’t have been said aloud about your night out on the town. Or better yet, you’re left a comment that makes you wonder why you are still friends with him or her. Simply delete the comments and violà! All gone! Then there’s the “friends gone wild”. You’ve tried to maintain the relationship and the comments are just too much to handle. You’ve tried to be polite, you’ve tried deleting comments and they just don’t get the point. This is where deleting the friend from the list and or blocking entirely. So cousin Bob is no longer your “friend”; he’ll recover just fine. Having ex-anything on your Facebook is not generally a good idea. Do you really need to have your ex-girlfriend or ex-husband on your page? It’s really not necessary. Unless you share children, well, you can always email or call. There’s no need to add unneeded drama to your life. If you’re in a great relationship, why ruin it with the

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