Facebook Persuasive Essay

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Social networking pages such as Facebook have become a huge part of our lives. There are people who have never used a webpage like Facebook before you join it every day. There are also those people who set up second pages to launch their music or business ideas that they want known. Facebook has its amazing sides to it but its awful sides as well. This argument has become a very heated debate over the last couple years ever since Facebook has become this huge social ordeal. The information you will read will hopefully give you the knowledge to show you both very different sides of this debate. Social networking has not been around for any more than ten or so years, but it has just about consumes our lives. Although at times it’s not always a bad thing. With social networking comes numerous beneficial aspects of using this form of communication. You can reach thousands of people within seconds of making a post. People use Facebook for multiple different functions. The biggest function they use Facebook for is rekindling long lost friendships or making it easier and maybe even cheaper to talk to for away relatives. People also learn that they may have actually learned that they have family members that they have never met before. They also have rekindled with friends from high school that they have lost and maybe middle school. They are able to keep relationships with family and friends that live hours or even states away has close as if they were living ten minutes away. Social networking can also be used for individuals who are trying to launch their music careers or even their small businesses. Facebook allows you to make a page set up distinctly for businesses or music. With Facebook you can network out your business or what it is that you are trying to get out there to other people. You are able advertise your business for no cost to you which can help the
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