Extracurricular Activities Essay

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Abstract Extracurricular activities are found in all levels of our schools in many different forms. They can be sports, clubs, debate, drama, school publications, student council, and other social events. A student’s future can be determined in the things that they do in the hours after school and before their parents get home. This paper outlines the amount of students in 6th grade at the St. Joseph school involved in extracurricular activities. Describes the role of extracurricular activities and the positive effects that they can have on students. Extracurricular activities are activities that students participate in that do not fall into the realm of normal curriculum of schools. They are found in all levels of our schools. There are many forms of extracurricular activities such as sports, clubs, governance, student newspaper, music, art, and drama. Extracurricular activities are totally voluntary so students that do not want to participate in them do not have to. Lunnenburg states in his article that “Extracurricular activities serve the same goals and functions as the required and elective courses in the curriculum. However, they provide experiences that are not included in formal courses of study. They allow students to apply the knowledge that they have learned in other classes and acquire concepts of democratic life.”(2010, 2) Extracurricular activities have many positive effects on education. The positive effects that extracurricular activities have on students are behavior, better grades and their social aspect. During a visit to the 6th grade class at the St. Joseph school, I questioned by the means of a survey the students in that class. When asked the question if they were enrolled in any after school curricular activities 21% of students answered by saying yes they were involved while the rest 79% of students answered by saying no. When asked

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