External vs Internal Hiring

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Question #1: Examine the advantages to hiring internally to fill vacancies within an organization. Hiring internally to fill vacancies within an organization has many advantages, both tangible and intangible. Reduced costs during the hiring process and greater employee productivity are quantifiable advantages. Also, hiring internally may be the practice that best aligns with a companies’ corporate culture or strategy. External recruiting can be expensive, and hiring internally provides an avenue to reduce this cost. Not having to place recruitment adds in newspapers, magazines, professional journals, or purchase web space and television or radio slots can save a substantial amount of money. Small firms with limited resources may not be able to afford such external recruiting and may have to recruit internally to fill job vacancies. Less costly methods such as word of mouth and posting a notice of a vacancy on a bulletin board or the company intranet may be cheaper and more practical. Companies that use a human resource information system may search an employee database for possible candidates as well. External factors may lead to selecting from an internal pool of employees to fulfill vacant positions. The external labor market may be weak and unable to provide enough qualified applicants, or there may not be a relevant labor market at all. A large company with hundreds or thousands of employees may have enough potential applicants to choose from that they need not recruit from the external labor market. Also, an organizations ability, or rather lack of ability, to provide competitive compensation packages may make it difficult to attract and retain qualified candidates from the external market. For various reasons, hiring internally may reduce the time required to fill a job vacancy. If the applicant is known within the organization it may be
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