Expository Speech Outline: Capitalism Is Superior to Socialism as a Means of Achieving Economic Justice.

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Specific Goal: I would like the audience to understand how capitalism is superior to socialism as a means of achieving economic justice. Introduction I. On paper socialism seems like a good idea. II. Is it just; is it better than capitalism? III. It isn’t; socialism is unfair to both the consumers and the producers. Thesis Statement: The three ways that capitalism is superior to socialism as a means of economic justice are that it distributes wealth on the merit of the product produced, it leaves the economic system free to innovate, and it allows the producers and consumers to meet at a fair price. Body I. The first way that capitalism is superior to socialism is that it distributes wealth on the merit of the product produced. A. There are two basic precepts to capitalism. 1. The more you work, the more you get paid. 2. The better your work, the more you get paid. B. Supply and demand dictate market behavior. 1. A rare commodity – like doctors – results in higher demand. 2. Higher demand results in a higher price. 3. If we had more doctors, they would be paid less. 4. Conversely, if we had fewer hamburger flippers, they would be paid more. (When workers are compensated for the quality of their work, it encourages innovation in a competition to make more money.) II. The second way that capitalism is better than socialism is that the ‘hands off’ approach encourages innovation. (Rothbard, 2002) A. Modern technology originated in capitalist countries. 1. The cotton gin, moon landings, the internet, Velcro, microprocessors, light bulbs, and a whole host of other products came from capitalist economies. (Skousen, 2001) 2. Socialist control of an economy’s means of production stifles creativity and only produces variations on a theme. B. Though socialism purports to be ‘for the worker,’ the massive government system that it
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