Explore the Ways in Which Burgess Uses Settings to Create Interest for the Reader.

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Explore the ways in which Burgess uses settings to create interest for the reader. The overarching theme of order in society versus freedom of choice is emphasized through Anthony Burgess’ use of setting in order to portray the utopian society in which Alex inhabits. On pages 99-100, we find Alex returning home after being released from prison. Setting is heavily used in order to contrast the new Flatblock with the old and Alex’s home with F.Alexander’s HOME. Burgess uses setting heavily throughout the novel in order to describe the Utopian society. However the underlying and fundamental reason for his use of setting is in order to incorporate the themes of the novel. Burgess’ use of setting, in describing the renewed Flatblock, signifies more than just a material change. “What surprised me, brothers, was the way that had been cleaned up” In the previous sentences, Alex communicates to the reader that upon returning home, his only wish is to relax and listen to music. He wants to return to his old habits; yet this initial change that he notices symbolizes the overall change that Alex has experienced in his own “renewal”. Although Alex has altered, he continues to love music which reinforces Burgess’ point that aesthetic goodness and ethical goodness do not necessarily correlate with one another. Alex is no longer able to behave violently but he can still listen to music. However this is ultimately hard to believe as we see from previous chapters that Alex’s deep rooted longing for violence is inspired by his love for music and although they are perhaps separate entities, Burgess adds Alex’s continual need for music, after his treatment, in order to show the reader that he still contains a slice of humanity even though he has lost the ability to act violently. Just as the rehabilitated building signifies the new Alex, so too does the lack of graffiti signify the

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