Explore Some of the Similarities and Differences Between Spoken Conversation and Web Based Communication Such as Messaging, Twitter and Facebook? (W.B-C)

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Explore some of the similarities and differences between spoken conversation and web based communication such as messaging, Twitter and Facebook? (W.B-C) One similarity between Spoken conversation and W.B-C is the dialect, as it stays the same, especially for young people and teenagers. For example many teenagers still use slang, elision and initialism throughout spoken conversation, such as saying ‘dunno’. Many teenagers may use this as texting and W.B-C has become so apart of their lives that they can’t help but speak with these devices. Older people may think it’s lazy or distancing from Standard traditional English. However i think this is because they have not grown up the way we have, as technology is constantly progressing. Morever, w.B-C is more concised with the use of acronyms and again initialism. Many social networking websites like Twitter or youtube have a character limit insisting we get to the point of what we are saying. In the media these characters limits are seen as a symbol of freedom and are what helped in last years Arab upsrisings. People used websites like twitter to share information quickly on mobile phones. In interactive written discourse, when conversations are instant and in real time it is simply impractical to write long, coherent , detailed, paragraphs. Equally there is difference in the amount of correct grammar used between spoken conversation and W.B-C. In spoken conversation that speakers are making it up as they go along, it is immediate and dynamic so there is less precision in it, such as the use of false starts as when the speaker says them their ideas are rapidly changing. W.B-C however, is more thought out especially for adults. Of course you writing so quickly you don’t have time to go over what you have just written, then there may be certain grammer mistakes but generally their is a higher level of

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