Exploitation Of Child

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The exploitation of children. Discuss. The exploitation of children was seen to be more rampant across the globe today. These children are being exploited because they could bring gain to the perpetrators. The exploitation of children can never be justified and it will also bring negative effects to their mental and physical health. This hence poses a potential danger to these exploited children. The most common type of exploitation is child abuse. It was seen from child welfare information gate way that an estimated number of 510, 675 children was being abused in 50 states. Child abuse is more than bruises and broken bones, it could result in serious emotional harm. They are being abused because parents get stressed up at work and they would vent their anger on their own children. This will cause the children to bury all their unhappiness because they feel distant and uncomfortable to speak to their parents. Hence some children will find ways to cure their bruises such as suicidal attempt. Employment of children which is also known as “child labour” is another critical issue today. It is seen from an article by International Labour Organization that close to 215 million of the children work, many full time. They engaged in remunerative work because their families are faced with poverty. They have to work under hazardous conditions and carry out illicit activities such as drug trafficking and prostitution to earn the wages that are needed to support the family. Child labour had denied their childhood and many of these children do not receive proper nutrition care. Therefore malnutrition, a rapid increase in the spreading of venereal disease such as AIDS and Amniocentesis leads to many deaths. On the other hand, children of some nations are being forced to serve the army at early stages of their lives. In 2009, there was an article which was written by the
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