Explain Why the Weimar Republic Was Able to Survive Its Difficulties in the Period 1919-1923

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Explain why the Weimar Republic was able to survive its difficulties in the period 1919-1923 (12) Throughout the years between 1919-1923 the Weimar Republic was able to stay in power due to various factors. Even when it looked like they might lose hold of power they were able to pull through and keep their hands firmly on Germany even though various groups were very determined to take it away from them. The first factor is relatively simple. After the long and arduous journey that was World War One the German people just had no thirst for a regime change, they sought stability after the pain of the Great War. This is extremely understandable that WW1 claimed so many lives and left so many wounded. In a strange way the Weimar Republic were lucky about that happened in WW1 as because of it over 70% of Germans supported the new republic and as a cause of this Spartacist uprisings commanded little widespread support. The second factor is to do with the divisions on the left. Even thought there was a decent amount of opposition for Weimar from the left, basically all of it was broken up into small less threatening factions. The spartacists despised the new republic and did their utmost to revolt against it and create a Bolshevik style revolution in Germany. The USPD weren’t as extreme but were more lukewarm towards the new republic. They were disappointed that the revolution was never completed but did not support violence; instead they sought the less extreme industrial strike action route. Finally there was the SPD. They were the opposite from the Spartacists and supported the new republic, entering numerous coalition Governments. Due to these differing views the threats from the left were never able to raise enough support across Germany in order to actually be classed as threats, they didn’t really pose a threat to the new Weimar Republic. The above paragraph is
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