Explain Ways to Maintain a Safe and Supportive Learning Environment.

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Explain ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment. Risk Assessment. Make sure you read every students Risk Assessment file and you are familiar with their background before they start. This is very important when wanting to establist and maintain a safe and supportive learning environment for the students, especially when dealing with At-Risk students and students with Mental and Physical Disabilities. So you are able to meet their personal needs. Teachers should make sure their learners will be safe physically. for example, making sure that the building meets the rules of health and safety: making sure the fire exits are easily accessible, making sure the structure is appropriate for the learners needs. Such as a ramp for a physically disabled learner. Also teachers need to make sure all the equipment the learners will be using during the course is safe for them to use. Ground Rules. When starting the course, a teacher should make sure they create a safe environment in the classroom: this means making sure everybody is comfortable with everybody else and nobody is trying to bully anyone. When working with adult learners it could be better to have ‘commonly agreed ground rules’ so they can agree with each point and find elements to discuss. This is good because when they get to decide the ground rules it’s more unlikely that they are going to break them. When working with younger leaners it’s better to set some basic important ground rules (such as: arriving on time, no bullying, switch off mobile phones, no swearing) and then give them the chance to come up with some 'commonly agreed ground rules'. Teacher should be the best example of this behaviour in order to promote respect: this includes the teacher arriving on time, have the mobile phone switched off and respect all the other rules that the learners and the teacher agreed on. Building
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