Explain the Sequence and Rate of Each Aspect of Development from Birth – 19 Years.

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Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth – 19 years. The sequence of development refers to milestones of development common to the majority of children. It should follow a specific sequence and will usually progress from one milestone to the next. These are defined as: * Physical development * Social and Emotional development * Intellectual development * Language development Physical development The sequence and role of each aspect of development from birth is physical development where children learn to use their physical motions. As from the ages of 0-3 years: - babies turn their heads to the sound of their own name, smile at familiar faces and voices and look out and reach for objects. Between 6 months and 1 year children: - move from sitting with support to sitting independently, they raise their arms to be lifted and pass objects from hand to hand. Between 1 and 2 years children: - begin to walk and sit alone indefinitely, being to show preferences for one hand, wave goodbye and feed themselves Between 2 and 3 years children: - kneel to play, kick a ball and pour liquids. Between 4 and 7 years children: - throw with an aim, use scissors, hop, handle a pencil with control, skips, can climb confidently and jump from heights. Between 7 and 12 years children: - enjoy playing team games by age 8 and also may not know the full extent of their abilities before the age of 9. Between 12 and 19 years: - young people, at this age, will now notice the physical change their bodies are going through. Not all young people go through their experiences at the same rate. While some boys are going through puberty more quickly, there are some that are worrying about the lack of progress with their development. For girls, while some have reached their full potential by the age of 14 or 15, some
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