Explain the Reasons Why Muhammad and His Followers Migrated to Al-Madina.

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Explain the reasons why Muhammad and his followers migrated to al-Madina. Muhammad is said by Muslims to be the final profit of Allah. It is believed he is the last prophet, as he was the only person who was able to preach God’s message perfectly. Also it is said he was chosen because God knew of his ability to spread the message better than anybody, and this was due to the fact that he was charismatic and an excellent communicator. As a result of the success and reach of Muhammad, it is said that there was no need for God to send another profit to earth, therefore making him the final prophet. This is known as “the seal of the prophets”. Muhammad is, to this day, highly respected throughout the Middle East (and other areas with Muslim populations) because of his immense contribution to Islam. However throughout much of his life this was not the case. He together with his followers, suffered persecution, death threats and other types of ill-treatment, which eventually resulted in Muhammad’s and many of his followers migrating to Al Madina. This migration is known amongst Muslims as the ‘emigration’. In this essay I will explain the underlying reasons as to why Muhammad migrated. One of the most significant reasons as to why the prophet and his followers migrated to Al Madina was because of the lack of support, including in some cases the threats they received from the people of Mecca. The majority of people there largely dismissed Muhammad’s teachings of the Islam religion as it so absolutely contradicted the polytheist religions they were worshipping, for instance the Arab Pagans (Islam is a monotheist relgion). As a result of such a contradictory religion being taught by Muhammad and his followers, they were strongly segregated from society and often subjected to verbal abuse publically, including their families, rocks were thrown at them, they were

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