Explain the Factors to Take Into Account When Assessing Development

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1.1 Explain the factors that need to be taken into account when assessing development. We have an obligation to ensure that all children are given the same educational opportunities and services and if required, provision of intervention and support services. Therefore an efficient but fair assessment of their learning and development skills should be engaged to identify their current abilities and future needs. When undertaking an assessment of any child or young person’s development needs, we need to ensure that it is completed accurately but with sensitivity, being mindful of the following factors:- Confidentiality and Consent – Before an assessment can be carried out the parents/carers/guardian must give their consent. All details of any assessments must remain confidential and should only be shared with the relevant parties, in line with the (establishment’s) current policies and procedures, if there are any serious concerns regarding their well being or safety. The child should not be named, therefore, observations should be documented as “Child A” to protect their identity. Any confidential information should only be shared on a need to know basis and be held in a lockable/secure location. An assessment needs to be consistent if they are to produce reliable results, during re-occurring trials. It is essential that standards are maintained and the assessments and the findings are accurate and dependable, as incorrect data can impact severely on the child’s development. This can be achieved by ensuring that the same data is assessed on separate occasions over a period of time. If the results are confirmed to be primarily similar, we can then affirm that the assessment is consistent. A child’s wishes and feelings – Prior to commencement of any assessment the child’s mental/emotional state needs to be taken into consideration. The individual may have
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