Explain the Difference Between Sequence of Development and Rate of Development and Why the Difference Is so Important.

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Explain the difference between sequence of development and rate of development and why the difference is so important. Some aspects of development follow a definite sequence, like physical development babies learn to lift their heads before they can sit but the rate at what they do it at will vary between each child so some babies will sit up unsupported at 7 months while others may take a couple of months longer. Sequence means that there is a definite pattern to a child developing e.g. a toddler being able to walk before they can run. Another may sit up, walk, run missing out rolling over & crawling. Even though elements are missed the development still proceeds in what's viewed as an expected pattern. Sequence/Order also involves patterns and an order of development of intellectual growth - sequence can include an order that's both positive and negative deterioration. Sequence, rate or age at which an individual reaches different stages of development will differ/vary - it could be that one child loses their first tooth at 5 years old and another child when they are 8 - expected development would be that a first tooth comes away at 6/7 - BDHF the sequence of tooth loss is milk/first teeth appear, are lost, adult teeth emerge. Rate/Speed involves a time frame/speed linked to age in which a child develops. Another example is where one baby may achieve walking unaided at 10 months another may accomplish it at 12 months another at 16 months. When a child develops if they achieve this by sequencing it enables you to plan effectively and at the right time. When recording the rate of development it helps you to identify any concerns that you may have within the development area, this enables you to further investigate why this is happening. It's good to know they are different from each other the importance is in knowing how each has

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