Explain How the Role of the Teacher Changes in the Process of the Child’s Growing Normalisation (Socialisation).

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This essay will focus on the definition and characteristics of normalization with links to the concept of deviation. I will go on and explain how some factors like the favourable environment and the trained teacher enhances the process of normalization, and outline the change in the teacher’s role as the child begins to concentrate and focus on activities. Finally I will give reasons why the child might regress. There are four characteristics that appear in a child that is developing normally and they are the love of work, Concentration, self-discipline, and socialization (Montessori 2007a). Normalization can thus be defined as the process through which children enhance these characteristics which can be acquired by concentrating all their attention on a purposeful activity (Montessori 2007a). Normalization is achieved when the child passes along the main line of functioning with his/her whole personality (Montessori 2007a). When the horme can’t go in the normal three step cycle for the building of a person then it moves into these other cycles called deviations (Montessori 2007a). The child feels threatened and reacts to save him/herself. Montessori (2007a) says that the defects in adults can be traced back to a lack of development in the first years of life. Montessori (2007a) defines deviation as a defence created in a situation where development fails to proceed normally. All children have some deviations. If they are not straightened out, they will become worse in time. There are an infinite number of deviations from normality (Montessori 2012). A child deviates from positive behaviour in order to compensate his/her lack of fulfilment in some areas. These inner deviations manifests themselves in outer behaviours. Because of the obstacles in the environment, many deviations come from the natural creative line of development (Montessori 2012). Deviations from

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