Explain How One or More Performer(S) Used Naturalistic Acting Skills to Engage the Audience at Particular Moments in One Live Production That You Have Seen and Assess Their Success

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Explain how one or more performer(s) used naturalistic acting skills to engage the audience at particular moments in one live production that you have seen and assess their success I saw 'An Inspector Calls' at the Bolton Octagon on September 25th 2013. The play, set in 1912, attempts to reinforce the ideology that we are all responsible for each other. It's form was in the round, and it was presented in a naturalistic style. It takes place in the home of the relatively newly wealthy Birling family, on the night of the celebration of their daughter's engagement, when a mysterious inspector arrives to question the family on their involvement of a young girl, Eva Smith's death. The play aimed to convey Sybil Birling as stubborn, unsympathetic and dislikeable character, and I believe that Margot Leicester's portrayal of Mrs Birling was quite successful. In the opening scene, Leicester entered in a floor length, expensive looking grey gown, clearly meant to show off her wealth and power. She entered with a practiced, purposeful gait and straight posture. She held her dress off the floor with her hands, and kept her nose turned up slightly. This immediately gave the impression that she saw herself as superior, and we immediately disliked her. She also kept a very practised smile on her face, although it was slightly turned down in the corners, and her eyes were slightly mocking, conveying to the audience that she was never fully pleased with anything, again making her seem shallow. As her husband thanked the staff, Margot scalded her husband with the line 'You're not supposed to say such things'. She perched gracefully on the chair, never forgetting her apparent need to remain well postured the entire time. However, during this line she leaned over and hissed the words. Her expression was one of complete disappointment and almost disgust, her eyes wide in shock,

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