Explain How Issues of Validity and/or Reliability May Affect the Classification and/or Diagnosis of Schizophrenia

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Explain how issues of validity and/or reliability may affect the classification and/or diagnosis of schizophrenia [10] Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder. This means it’s a loss of contact with reality, consistent with serious mental illness which typically includes delusions, hallucinations and disordered thinking. The disorder was first identified by Kraeplin(1986) who used the term ‘Dementia Praecox’. Bleuler (1911) later coined the term schizophrenia, which means split (schizo) mind (phrenia). Classification involves identifying groups or patterns of behavioural symptoms that occur together to form a type of mental disorder (e.g. schizophrenia). Classification is important because it is being able to distinguish clinical illness from everyday ups and down. Also to dictate treatment i.e. treatments for phobias don’t help with schizophrenia. The DSM classification system was first published in 1952 and is used by the American Psychiatric Association. It has undergone a number of revisions and the latest (DSM-IV-TR) consists of over 400 mental disorders arranged unto 16 main categories. For each disorder, it also lists the specific diagnostic criteria that have to be met for a diagnosis to be given. With the reliability affecting schizophrenia Davison and Neale (1994) reviewed the inter-rater reliability of diagnosing schizophrenia from the mid-1960s onwards and found that with schizophrenia, there was a 0.81 agreement amongst clinicians (i.e. 81%). This showed that there is some general agreement over the diagnosis of this deliberating condition, however more recent studies have found the complete opposite of this such as Whaley (2001) who found inter-rater reliability correlations in the diagnosis of schizophrenia was as low as 0.11. In evaluation these differences with the inter-rater reliability are quite surprising, an implication from the above

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