Explain How an Audience Affects a Writer Relation to Their Writing

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Explain how an audience affects a writer in Relation to their writing style and their use Of literary terms and devices. Relate your Answer to the analysis of three texts. Your answer should acknowledge and Explore the different styles required for a Selection of audiences, a definition of three Literary terms or devices and must be Written using the conventions of an Academic essay. This essay is going to discuss the affects an audience has on a writers’ style. It will also discuss three different literary terms or devices a writer uses in their poem. Poems which will be discussed in the essay are Not my Business by Niyi Osundre, I Wanna Be Yours... by John cooper Clarke, and Hitcher by Simon Armitage. Not my Business by Niyi Osundare is a poem about political oppression in a political state, Nigeria. The audience he is targeting are the adults in this state but it appeals to a wider audience, especially people in the west where the writer is showing them what is happening in this state. He is putting a message across both in the form and the imagery of the poem. In the form of the poem he separates what is happening with his thoughts. This goes on for the first three verses. “...Of a waiting jeep. What business of mine is it...” Not my Business, Niyi Osundare Then in the final verse there is no separation, this is because it is showing what is happening to him. Imagery is used throughout the poem to compare the violence what is happening to the writer’s lack of interest to do anything about it. “They picked Akanni up one morning Beat him soft like clay And stuffed him down the belly Of a waiting jeep. What business of mine is it So long they don’t take the yam From my savouring mouth..?” Not my Business, Niyi Osundare Here you can imagine the writer sitting at his dining room table eating his meal

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