Explain Different Ideas About the Existence of the Soul and Its Relationship with the Body

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Explain different ideas about the existence of the soul and its relationship with the body Dualism is the idea that the mind and body are two separate substances; it is possible to survive death, as the soul disembodies. Human beings consist of both physical bodies and non physical minds and that the mind is the essence of a person. Plato was a dualist. He believed that the soul and the body are two separate substances that interact. The real identity of the person lies with the soul. The Body and the mind are often in opposition. The body is interested in sense pleasures, such as eating and sleeping, which often get in the way of intellectual pursuits. Often the demands of the body take over completely. Plato saw the body as a nuisance and a bind. It is not the real person. We may say I have a body but not I am a body. Plato believed that the real person is separate and distinct from the body it inhabits. The soul has existed prior to being in the present body and, on death, will leave the body. The soul is on a higher level of reality than the body, being immortal with understanding of the realm of ideas. The body is concerned with the senses, the soul with reason. The soul is not always perfect however, the body corrupts it and drags it down. Humans have the task of taking care of the soul but is easily corrupted. Richard Dawkins is a materialist who believed that Human beings are bytes of digital information. There is no soul or consciousness as we are the sum total of our genes. He concentrates of the idea that humans are merely carriers of information and DNA. For Dawkins, the only conceivable theory is that of evolution. We are as we are because of our genetic make up, not the efforts of our soul to guide us towards the realm of ideas each change is due to evolution. There is no soul which continues, there is only the survival of DNA, the function
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