When the Act was passed, the meat packaging industry had to succumb to continuous inspections and investigations by the Agricultural Department which would be paid for by the meat packaging industry. Furthermore, the Act would require stamps on meat products that were sent to market for public consumption. There have been many amendments created to correspond with enhancements in the meat industry. The Federal Meat Inspection Act was established to warrant the health of American consumers. It abolished any diseased or contaminated meat before the consumer gets it.
In order to supply the food for our lives, people have to breed the animals and take care of livestock; their jobs were known as cattle rancher. According to the book “Mad Cowboy” of author Howard Lyman and the two movies “The Witness” and “Peaceable Kingdom”, we will understand the procedure of raising the livestock and also find out the dangerous and potentially deadly practices of the cattle and dairy industry. The author Howard Lyman, also was known as cattle rancher, want to uncover dangers associated with eating red meat. He also exposed an animal-based diet as the primary cause of cancer, heart disease, and obesity in the world. In a powerful and original voice, the warns that our livestock industry has repeated the mistakes such as high doses of pesticides, growth hormone, and the ground-up remains of other animals that led to Mad Cow Disease in England.
“Spaying is a general term used to describe the ovariohysterectomy of a female animal” while “Neutering is a general term used to describe the castration of a male animal (American Humane Association, 2011).” In more simple terms, spaying and neutering renders the animal sterile through surgical means, and therefore, it permanently prevents them from having litters. In addition to the sterilization caused by these procedures, there are also health benefits that arise from having your pet spayed or neutered. According to the American Humane Association, there are both instant and long term benefits of these procedures. A spayed a female cat “eliminates the constant crying and nervous pacing,” and “eliminates the messiness associated with the heat cycle (American Humane Association, 2011)” for female dogs. In both male cats and dogs, neutering can “prevent certain undesirable sexual behaviors, such as urine marking, humping, male aggression and the urge to roam.” Also, animals in multi-pet houses are far more likely to get along with one another if they are “fixed.” Long term health benefits for spayed females of both species (when completed before the animal’s first “heat” cycle) include nearly completely eliminating the risk of breast cancer, and fully eliminating any chance of uterine infections and uterine cancer.
eating, wearing, experimenting) animals. It is the animal cruelty involved in manufacturing animals that generates a moral concern. The farming industry in particular, carries the burden of feeding a massive population, forcing the industry to maximize farming productivity to fulfill consumer demand through the use of large-scale industrial farming techniques. In order for farming industries to gain any-sort of profit corners are cut to produce remunerative earnings. For years the industry has made efforts to convert their manufacturing process of converting animals to food from the public.
They believe that every creature with a will to live has a right to live free from pain and suffering and also believe that animal rights is a social movement that challenges society’s traditional view that all nonhuman animals exist solely for human use. The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is the leading animal rights group with over three million members and is commonly shown in its abbreviated form PETA. On their website the group’s founder Ingrid Newkirk says, “When it comes to pain, love, joy, loneliness, and fear, a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. Each one values his or her life and fights the knife” (3). Newkirk’s words are a little redundant when saying that “each one values his or her life and fights the knife.” Every animal in the world values its life and has a natural instinct for survival and reproduction.
The vegan diet is beneficial for animals, human health, the environment, and ultimately the best diet for the world. If everyone ate a vegan diet, inhumane animal practices in the animal agriculture industry would cease to exist. As Peter Park put it in “The Globalization of Animal Welfare”, “more animals in more places are confined in restrictive conditions utterly unlike their natural environments and are pushed beyond their physiological limits to produce ever-greater numbers of eggs, gallons of milk, and pounds of flesh.” To define what a “restrictive” condition is like, Park goes on to describe what egg-laying hens live like. He talks about battery cages that are, “so small that even if there were just one hen in each cage, she would be unable to fully stretch and flap her wings -- and there are often at least four, if not more, hens per cage” (10-14). Because there are many animals condensed in small areas, the workers mutilate them to prevent them from hurting each other.
Annotated bibliography cynthia holmes Devry University English 147N Annotated Bibliography American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, ASPCA (2010). Factory farm animals. Retrieved from http://www.aspca.org/fight-cruelty/farm-animal-cruelty This report, by the field investigation response team on factory farm animals’ cruelty reported that factory farm workers who raise animals for human consumption, inject the animals with antibiotics and hormones. They stated in the report that this act will allow animals to have severe painful and short lives. The report gives insight on the inhumane treatment of during their entire lives until they are slaughtered for human consumption.
Orca Captivity Orca’s have been captured from the wild for display since the 1960’s. When the first captures occurred, orcas were known as mindless killers that lived up to the name “killer whale”. As people began to watch and study orca’s in captivity, they had realized that their perception on these creatures was mislead. Researchers discovered that orcas are highly evolved social beings, and they have come to realize they are not suited for living their lives in captivity. Many groups are working to make people aware of orcas in captivity and avoid future reoccurring problems like this.
26 November 2012 Christian Flores 28000 Wolverine Way, Aliso Viejo, 92656 Davan Maharaj Los Angeles Times 202 West 1st Street Los Angeles, CA, 90012 Dear Editor, In Jeremy Rifkin’s article “A Change of Heart About Animals,” he speaks about how we should treat animals better because they are more like humans than what is commonly believed. In the article he says “many of our fellow creatures are more like us than we had ever imagined,” to show his argument. Rifkin makes many points about how animals should be treated humanely in his article and these arguments are, for the most part, very reasonable. I agree, to an extent, with Jeremy Rifkin and his arguments. In the article, Jeremy Rifkin shows that it would be illogical to disagree that animals have human-like qualities through studies.
This method is the last step into sealing the deal with the audience because as effective as targeting the audience with a likable celebrity endorsement and appealing to their emotions directly is, the audience still needs to see the hard facts and statistics to be able to have solid proof that what the commercial presents is true. In the commercial, logos were used by presenting the audience with facts about the abused animals and evidence of the abused animals and their conditions through videos. First, when the commercial introduce the audience about the issue, the videos they present consist of the abused animals. However, when they inform the audience that there are ways to help these animals such as through donations and adoptions, the videos they present shows the rescue team from the organization rescuing the animals from the poor condition. They informed the audience of the condition of these animals and how with just pennies a day, the audience can make the difference between life and death for these animals.