Experiment Microbio Essay

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PART 2 : ASEPTIC TECHNIQUES AND TRANSFER OF CULTURES Objectives: 1) To apply aseptic techniques in microbial cultivation 2) To isolate pure colony by streak plate method 3) To transfer bacteria by several methods INTRODUCTION Microbes exist everywhere and they become the source of contamination towards any established pure cultures. Pure culture is vital in any laboratory which participates in activities related to scientific research especially in biotechnology. Pure culture, which is defined as a culture containing one particular species of microbe, will enable scientists to perform scientific research and identify the microbe for example in diagnostic purposes. Therefore, it is crucial for any microbiologists to maintain the purity of cultures, free from any contaminant. Techniques that can help microbiologists avoid contamination are referred to as aseptic techniques. These techniques are also crucial in maintaining safety for other workers and environment. Basically, aseptic techniques work by avoiding contacts between contaminants and pure cultures. Without aseptic techniques, this would allow other microbes to contaminate the pure culture. In this experiment, the broth culture will transfer into liquid medium, cultures from agar medium transfer to semisolid agar medium using stab inoculation and another one is transfer cultures from solid medium to slant agar. We will also establish the pure cultures by streak plate method to obtain single cell of bacteria. RESULT Inoculum source Transferred to: Observation(Draw and label),Discussion and conclusions NA,petri dish NA,petri dish Broth Broth Nutrient agar Stab Nutrient agar Slant QUESTION 1. Explain how procedures in streak plate method would generate single isolated colonies? The streaking have to do carefully to avoid breaking of agar medium. The bacteria only be

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