Existentialism in the Blind Owl, the Stranger, and the Metamorphosis

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Existentialism is a common theme in The Metamorphosis, The Stranger, and The Blind Owl. Each of the main characters shows existentialism in one way or another. They all have shown at least most or all six of the themes of existentialism. The characters show their existentialism in their own way though. I believe that the Blind Owl is the best existentialist. I think that the Blind Owl is the best existentialist because he strongly shows each of the six themes and they are very clearly shown by him. He shows that he is a conscious, existent being by how he begins to realize how everything around him is false and that he cannot be manipulated by an outside force of will. He has anxiety through how he is uncomfortable with the life he is living and hopes to find a final escape from the cycle that he is trapped in. The Blind Owl wants to escape the cycle of rebirth and find the truth in order to be set free. He shows absurdity because of how he focuses on nothing other than his final goal and does not worry about factors that are out of his control. He does not focus on why he is going through with this cycle but rather focuses on how to escape from the constant rebirth. He believes that his existence is pointless and absurd. He sees that his place in this cycle is almost nothingness because of how he does not worry about his situation in an absurd manner. The Blind Owl also shows the theme of death by his hope to escape from the never ending cycle by reaching the wine that will lead to his death and also his escape. Finally, he also chooses to keep himself alienated from the world. He does not want to be part of the rabble and chooses to live on the outskirts of his city. He has absolutely no contact with the society and world around him. I believe the Blind Owl is the best existentialist. Meursault and Gregor are still examples of existentialists but are not, in

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