Excel Spread Sheet

302 Words2 Pages
1. Using the data from the Excel spread sheet perform a regression analysis on infant mortality (IV)and adult literacy (DV) for the 22 developed nations. * Create a scatterplot with the regression line on it * Comment on the scatter * Give the equation of the regression model you performed * Evaluate and comment on Pearson’s correlation coefficient * Evaluate and comment on the coefficient of determination * Interpret the relationship between the infant mortality and adult literacy 2. Repeat the steps from question 1 for the 40 developing nations 3. Using the data from the Excel spread sheet perform a regression analysis on life expectancy (IV)and adult literacy (DV) for the 22 developed nations. * Create a scatterplot with the regression line on it * Comment on the scatter * Give the equation of the regression model you performed * Evaluate and comment on Pearson’s correlation coefficient…show more content…
Repeat the steps from question 3 for the 40 developing nations 5. Interpret the relationship between infant mortality and adult literacy and life expectancy and adult literacy 6. Construct a residual plot for the scatterplots for q 1 and 2. * Describe the shape of the residual plots and explain what they mean. * Suggest possible transformations to improve your model * Which is the best model for your data? Explain 7. Comment on the differences between the two regression analyses. 8. Use your models for q 3 and 4 to interpolate and extrapolate data 9. Using the scatterplot in q 3 and 4 construct a three median line of best fit (give the coordinates of the three medians). State the equation of the three median line. Which is more appropriate, the three median line of best fit or the least squares regression line?

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