First and foremost, the media are a tool for government information and propaganda. Vietnam is a socialist country, where president is the head of state and the Prime Minister is the head of government, in a one-party system led by the Communist Party of Vietnam. Vietnam is one of the five communist countries. The government limits the free speech; they only allow information, which are good for the government and politicians. People who wanted to make a change and show the world the truth, not only things that government dictates us, were severely punished or sentenced to stay in prison.
The speech also uses the fallacy False Dilemma, Kane offers voters just 2 choices. Continue to let Boss Gettys control the state or vote for Kane and let him fix all the problems with the state's economic and political issues. This speech does also use a Scare tactic. Kane implies that if the citizens do not vote for him then the continuing decline of the state is inevitable under the control of Boss Gettys. Kane also uses Ad Hominem in his speech.
1984 Compared to Individuality and Freedom While reading George Orwell’s disturbing novel 1984, there are many items that are able to be taken away from it. Some might see doublethink used today in each political party's talking points. Others might see the Patriot Act as a first stage towards a similar sort of government encroachment on privacy that was a part of Orwell's story. Obviously, when compared to some of the truly oppressive governments, this novel is clearly very similar to those situations. One of the novel’s lessons shows how the government managed to stay in power despite the terrible depression that the people were living in and lack of freedom that was given.
In 1984, George Orwell proves that extreme government control suppresses individuality. For instance, the party formed a language to remove any possibility of political rebellion which sets an overall tone that limits their emotions For example, “The ultimate goal of Newspeak is
The three things Big Brother’s government and our own government use are controlling people physically by watching them, controlling their emotions by redefining relationships and controlling them psychology by making them fearful. Firstly, Orwell warns us that a 1984 government and future governments with too much power, including our own, can control people physically. Big Brother rules over Oceania because of the advancement in science and technology. In Big Brother’s world telescreens are used to watch and control all physical actions of an individual. Telescreens control and regulate people’s work time, sleep time and even their exercise time; people unwilling follow this as a fact of life.
Aristotle believes that our three offices of the senate, the assembly, and the courts which are supposed to represent democracy are in fact monarchs. Ironically we overthrew our mother country because we believed that monarchs caused tyranny. Aristotle explains that our presidents, governors, and mayors are in fact our Monarchs. He explains that these people are a type of monarch because they hold powerful office in which one man is in charge of many problems of a public concern. Aristotle uncovers that tyranny still takes place in this alleged “free country”.
Is it possible that totalitarianism - where all freedom is removed - could be a reality? This question posed to readers' when studying George Orwell's 1984. Sadly, the answer is “yes”. Orwell renders modern day London, now known as Airstrip One; the capital of Oceania, as a city divided into zones where the masses: also known as the Proles’ have no rights. The single party in power led, by Big Brother, controls mass media and uses the fear of death, to create obedience.
By controlling the media, the dictator is able to control people’s minds. The second connection made is the influence words can exert on thoughts. For example, Syme told Winston the purpose of the eleventh edition of the dictionary is to “narrow the range of thought… make thoughtcrime impossible because there will be no words in which to express it.” (Orwell 55). This is in correspondence with
However, there are also many ways to defend against them as well. In the book the Party may have controlled all the aspects of peoples lives, but nowadays we choose our government, and we can overthrow them as well if necessary. The Party did use torture machines to punish those who broke the rules. Those machines are considered a bad aspect of technology, and I would have to agree. That is just one way of many that technology could be used for evil.
Now the citizens of America do not know about such acts that the American government administer around the world. The media, controlled by the government, controls what information is passed on to the public about Americans occupations of other nations and how corrupt we really are. The citizens of America are made to believe that we live in a democratic nation and our goal is to make the world a better place by spreading democracy. Americans are also made to believe that the government is for the people of the country. Now the other way of seeing America is that it is a nation who exploits the catastrophe of Katrina in New Orleans.