Example Essay on How to Be a Successful Student

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Cedericka Williams Dr. Felicia Taylor English 131 Sec. 23 February 14, 2013 Successful Student The main goal of any student is to be successful. A lot of students get off track through their journey. Some students are not informed about helpful tools. Learning how to be successful in school is not easy at first but if the student wants it bad enough they will not give up. To be a successful student you should be organized and set goals. One good way to be organized is buying a planner. Getting a planner is a good way to help you keep up with important dates. A planner is a tablet that is broken down into the days of the week to make it easier for you to write down all assignments and different reminders. If you forget when something is do you can refer back to your planner to help you. A second example of organization is using a binder. Students should not loosely carry around their homework or any assignment they have. If a student carry around loose work it can easily get destroyed or lost. A binder has multiple pockets and 3 rings so that your work is secured and safe from damages occurring. Another example on how to be a successful student is setting goals. Goals are fully defined visions of how you want things to be. Making goals for yourself gives you motivation to keep striving for success. The beginning of my first semester in college I didn’t have any goals for myself. I didn’t keep track of my grades and didn’t take school that serious. This resulting into me making very poor grades. Goals are things that you want and I wanted to make good grades so that one day I can get a degree. I decided in my mind what grade I wanted in each class by the end of the semester. I knew that not only did I want good grades but I needed them to one day graduate. I knew I had goals to reach so I was on top of all my work. Graduation was my motivation. I started

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