Examine What Scolars and Religions Mean by Revelations and Mystcism

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Examine what scholars and religions mean by revelations and mysticism as a form of religious experiences. Religious experience is defined as an experience which a person has which suggests there are powers or forces beyond this world thus pointing to the existence of a supreme being. There are four main types of religious experiences the two which shall be the main focus of this essay will be revelations and mysticism. Revelation refers to a divine disclosure whereby God shows himself to his people in order for them to gain a new or better understanding. There are four types of revelation experiences which have been identified; propositional revelation is when God communicates truth to humans through supernatural means. They are known to usually take the forms of Holy Scriptures. The Ten Commandments which were revealed to Moses is an example of a propositional revelation, these rules came from God and form a key part of religious life for Jews and Christians. The second type of revelation experiences is non- propositional revelation this is when no holy scripture is revealed. Many revelation experiences can be described as being non-propositional; it usually involves a moment of realisation or when an event is seen or interpreted in a special way this is demonstrated in the case if the exile in Babylon of the Jews was seen as God’s punishment. In some cases it can also involve gaining a new truth or understanding which had not existed before. The third type of revelation experiences is special revelations this is when special/ chosen individuals or groups of people. This is illustrated in the Jewish branch of mysticism Kabbalah, they are considered to be an elite group who had to go through intense study and complex rituals in order to gain revelations from God. The fourth type of revelation experience is general revelations these are open to everyone and
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