Refugees have also been made available for women by the government, which have allowed women to escape domestic violence. However, some feminists argue social policies reinforce patriarchal ideas of men and women. For example, tax/benefit policies assume husbands are the main wage earners and this means women can find it difficult to claim benefits in their own right, which reinforces women’s dependency on men. Therefore, some women may less likely to get divorced so may be left in an empty shell
Secondly, feminism is another reason that some people believe that nuclear families are no longer the norm. Within the 1940’s women were seen simple as housewives and mother, and education within their life wasn’t even thought about. Essentially they were expected to conform to the nuclear family model. Now women are just as likely to be in paid employment like men and therefore this gives them much more status and independence, which makes the nuclear family less likely. Yet others would argue that even the media still supports nuclear families and is socializing the next generation into thinking that it is right for example ‘The Simpsons’, so despite the increase in divorce and feminism the nuclear family will remain popular in British society.
1) What can you learn from Sources A and B about changing attitudes to crimes involving religious beliefs? Source A shows how during the middle ages how strongly society believed that your religion should be dictated and if you did not believe in the religion that they told you to then there would be severe consequences. However Source B shows that the changes to crimes involving religious beliefs have now become un-acceptable and society has become more equal over periods of time. 2) Transportation as an alternative to execution, c1660. Transportation was introduced because the authorities believed that it was a cheap and easy way to eliminate criminals from the country.
After this law there was an increase in lone parent families, cohabiting and even same sex couples, this was because it started to be more socially acceptable and married couples didn’t have to be forced into a relationship if they weren’t happy. However, The New Right did not like the idea of having lone parent families, they said that lone parents (mostly mothers) cannot discipline their children properly and are a burden on the welfare state as they need to claim benefits due to the fact that they are not working so they can’t support their children. Conservatives see marriage as the essential basis for creating a stable environment for bringing up children, so I don’t think that they are very happy with the fact that family diversity is such a big deal in our society nowadays as they have a very traditional view. Similarly to The New Right’s view, Chester in 1985 claimed that people aspire to be in a nuclear family because that is the way that most people in the UK have been brought up, he also claimed that most people live in a household headed by a married couple and will most likely be the head of a nuclear family in the future. He believes that the nuclear family is the ideal type of family where the husband is the breadwinner and the wife is the housewife
Firstly, whether a family live in a symmetrical family or not will have an effect on the divisions of labour. March of Progress theorists (Liberal Feminists) such as Young and Willmott argue that family life is gradually improving for all its members, becoming more equal and democratic. For example, women now go out to work, just as men now help with housework and childcare. However Radical Feminists reject the ‘March of Progress’ theory, and argue that women remain unequal within the family. Anne Oakley argues that we still live in a patriarchal (male dominated) society, and therefore women occupy a subordinate and dependant role within the family and wider society.
A mixture of these factors led to the change in the position of women in society, the increase in equality, especially legally, including the right to vote (legal factor), the increase in educational opportunities (social factor) meant that women chose to educate themselves before starting a family, the increase in work opportunities with laws banning unequal pay and sex discrimination (social/legal factor)and changing attitudes in society meant that it was socially acceptable for women to be employed whereas traditionally the wife would be the housewife and the husband would be the breadwinner and would financially support his family. Recently, the number of people dying has also decreased in the UK as there is an increase in life
There has been a decrease in the number of nuclear families in the UK and an increase in various other families such as single parent families. But the raise in single parent households has to do with the increase in divorce across the UK which means that more people are left having to support their children on their own unless they become a reconstituted family. Functionalists are classed as modernists when it comes to their opinions on family diversity in post-modern UK. But they also see modern society as clear-cut, fixed and predictable. They think that the best and strongest family type is the nuclear family.
Finn states that confidential government papers that were disclosed to the London publication Time Out in 1983 show that the true purpose of the youth training schemes was to restrict the number of workers who would join trade unions, in order to minimise the bargaining power of the workforce. John Clarke and Paul Willis came to a similar conclusion. They argued that the new vocationalism was a means of producing people who wanted to work but who were caught in the middle between education and the world of work. Trainees could be used instead of other full-time workers, and as a result would be cheaper for the
Love and equality began to replace economic necessity as the basis for "tying the knot." In the late 1800s, new laws also gave married women more control over their own property and earnings to protect them from irresponsible actions by their husbands. As intimacy became a basic expectation of marriage, a lack of intimacy was increasingly seen as a legitimate reason for divorce. The trends that developed during the 1800s continued and accelerated during the 1900s. World Wars I and II and the Great Depression led to more women working outside the home.
An article called US law extends protection for abused immigrants says “VAWA leads to a green card either through the self petitioning process or through cancellation of removal in immigration court. Though VAWA stands for the “Violence Against Women Act”, the law benefits men and women. The abuse can be physical or emotional” which has a lot of importance for those people who are victims of domestic violence because it keeps them protected from being abused. There are some cases where women who are victims of domestic violence get benefits by the government by helping them to get a house on their own so that they won’t be victims again and even sometimes they legalize their status in the country. I think this is a really big step ahead when we talk about the problems some immigrants have to face because it may open a lot of door for them and they can make a better future for their