Examine the Important Concepts Relating to Justice and/or Law and Punishment

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Examine the important concepts relating to justice and/or law and punishment Justice is about treating society fairly and equally. The government uses its authority to distribute a number of goods in society. The question of how these goods should be shared out comes under distributive justice. This is partially solved by the idea of a social contract which is described as “A minimalist theory of rights in which the individual is understood to be morally bound only by the ‘don’t harm me and I won’t harm you’ doctrine” Within justice there are two many lines of argument, individualist and communitarian theories. Ethicists use these two theories to argue whether the community or the individual is more important, question whether we should follow distributive justice should society just focus on protecting themselves without harming other people? An individualist believes that one has no responsibility to look after others but recognise the obligation to avoid harm. Hobbs lived during a period of social chaos, a revolutionist party were persecuting people for what they believed, including Hobbs. During this time, Hobbs wrote Hobbes Leviathan, which in he described what be believed to be the Hobbesian state of nature, something that all humans are if placed somewhere without social organisation, like a desert island. He quotes life to be “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.” Hobbs also states that as humans we are also motivated by selfish desires between the interests of different groups and this is because of the human state of nature. Hobbs stated that the passions and desires that we come to have from being in the state of nature provide us with hope for something better. From the fact that it is a nasty, brutish, and a short lived life that we have, we come to desire peace. Hobbs stated that In order to remove ourselves from selfish desires we must
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