Evidence Based Practice - Nursing

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HFN 1035: 2000 word assignment

The aim of this assignment is to discuss the importance of evidence based nursing practice and relate this to two articles. The first article was chosen from a selection available and the second piece was acquired through utilising a specialist nursing database. It will look at the Hierarchy of evidence and where the chosen article will sit upon it under review. The use of the PICO tool will also be used in order to search for a second piece of evidence which will support, compliment or contradict the first article.
Evidence based practice emerged in the early 1990s. It has developed over the last 10 years and has a huge impact on health professionals all over the world, in the form of the Cochrane Collaboration. Not only is it just medicine based but it’s also supported in different professional activities such as social work, probation, education and human resource management (Trinder & Reynolds, 2000). There are two main purposes of nursing research, the first one is that it improves the nurse’s clinical judgement and decision making and the second is that it helps to expand an exclusive body of nursing knowledge for the development of the profession (Miller & Babcock, 1996).

Review of Evidence
The article which has been selected to review is titled “Are sedatives and hypnotics associated with increased suicide risk of suicide in the elderly?” The authors of this article are Anders Carlsten and Margda Waern. Anders Carlsten took the lead of analysing the pharmacological data and the collection. Margda Waern designed the study and the interviews. The article was published on the 4th June 2009. A case control study is the type of research which was carried out. The case control study design is frequently used in infectious disease outbreak research. It is the perfect strategy to investigate illnesses

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