Evaluation of "Let Me Sweat"

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Nicholas D. Kristof wrote a very effective essay called “Let Them Sweat.” This essay is effective in trying to convince people that having children work in the sweatshops of Third World countries is okay. Nicholas Kristof does a good job of informing readers on how sweatshops are more beneficial for the children then for them to be working elsewhere. Nicholas Kristof has an effective organizational structure, uses pathos and establishes his ethos, and is able to state his claim and supports it with logos. In the argument “Let Them Sweat,” Nicholas Kristof does an effective job with his organization. A notable aspect of organization is the ability to capture the attention of the reader in the beginning of the writing. If Kristof did not use humorous statements in the beginning of his argument, he would not have been able to gain interest from the reader. With a statement like, “They should start an international campaign to promote imports from sweatshops, perhaps with bold labels depicting an unrecognizable flag and the words ‘Proudly Made in a Third World Sweatshop!’” Kristof effectively uses humor and provokes interest to the reader. After including some quotes from some of the children and stating his claim, he then follows up with logos that help support his claim. The statement “Nike used to have two contract factories in impoverished Cambodia, among the neediest countries in the world. Then there was an outcry after BBC reported that three girls were under 15 years old. Nike fled controversy by ceasing production in Cambodia. The result was that some 2,000 Cambodians faced layoffs,” supports his claim stating that not only does working in the sweatshop benefit the children but it also benefits the citizens and economy of the country. Kristof is able to capture the attention of his reader with is first two statements his argument. He is also able to

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