states that they will test their hypothesis by placing different clients in either the forgiveness therapy or the alcohol and drug counseling programs. Logically, the following paragraphs of the paper should discuss the treatments of these groups along with their findings regarding the treatments. Yes, Lin et al. logically flows into the rest of the journal writing describing the trial and providing visuals to discuss
This will include my belief that each person deserves to have a careful assessment or initial consultation from therapist to client and after careful consideration of the clients needs and preferences that the most appropriate screed would be used to benefit the client. . I will also discuss two very different hypnotherapists namely Dave Elman and Milton H Erickson. Lastly I will discuss hypnosis and mental health, and the tools that are often used in Hypnotherapy for assessment of a client, and to score an individual, which aids the hypnotherapist in the decision as to which style of screed to use in their clients therapy. Returning to the essay title, analizing the question as
Running head: The Role and Life of a Mental Health Counselor The Role and Life of a Mental Health Counselor Mental health counselors provide counseling services for clients that suffer from personal issues (e.g. depression, substance abuse). Mental health counselors are trained to provide psychotherapy, psychological assessments, and diagnosis disorders of a specified population of clients in an individual or group setting, by helping them cope with mental and emotional problems (Erford, 2010). Counselors in the mental health profession are expected to maintain the confidentiality of records relating to the client’s treatment. Mental health professionals practice active listening and encourage the client to express their feelings.
It is our responsibility as therapists to justify our clinical approach to situations such as this. Describe the ethical issues that confront you, as the caseworker The ethical issues that I feel confronts me is the deciding what my responsibility to the client is as well as how much confidentiality I am allowed to disclose. Ethically, I may want to
It takes place in the interchange between therapist and client and is manifested in the style, pacing and art of therapy. The clinical gaze thus turns inwards during process considerations. Brems (1999) offers a useful framework for understanding process in psychotherapy and counselling. He argues it is best thought of as three separate but
Process Report of a Client Centred Therapy Session Reflection and Literature Review Gina Enache-Raw PS 4002 - Humanistic Approach and Skills Abstract The purpose of this process report is to critically evaluate my sensitivity within the counselling process and to assess my awareness of what was occurring within the therapy as this allows me to explore areas that have potential for further development and to increase my understanding of a humanistic framework. I will attempt to inform the reader about my interactions with the client and explain how I have made sense of the therapeutic process and what I have learned from the experience. One of the main reasons for choosing this particular session was because I have previously worked with the client and there were certain issues worth exploring from both, mine and client’s perspective. For example, as the reader will see from the excerpt the client spoke about issues within her family and I have considered this to be of a particular interest from both personal and multi-cultural perspectives. Process Report of a Client Centred Therapy Session Reflection and Literature Review "It is that the individual has within himself or herself vast resources for self-understanding, for altering his or her self-concept, attitudes and self-directed behavior - and that these resources can be tapped if only a definable climate of facilitative psychological attitudes can be provided."
If the client would chose to talk with me during the massage about private things, I would support him and ensure that the conversation is confidential. 3. Client rights and responsibilities are as important as therapists right and responsibilities. These rules are very important because it gives the service provider the professionalism and boundaries between the client and himself. Before the service is provided the set of rules is placed before the client for him to read and sign after that I would ask him if he understood the rules.
When counselling professional is listening to their client, they are using counselling skills as the main tool in applying their expertise, as this definition illustrates: Counselling, often described as ‘talking therapy’, is a process aimed at providing clients with the time and space to explore their problems, understand their problems, and resolve, or come to terms with their problems , in confidential setting. (Sutton and Stewart 2008). In practising counselling skills, counselling professionals have clear aim in assisting their client while their practice is governed by counselling ethics. In the United Kingdom, the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) is the largest organisation that governs work of counselling professionals. One skill that makes possible for all other counselling
Introduction All reputable therapists will offer an initial consultation. This gives the therapist the opportunity to get to know the client and build up a rapport with them. It is the time when the therapist can gain the information needed to successfully treat the client, both current issues and circumstances and past issues if necessary. The therapist will also ascertain whether they have the competence to successfully treat the client. Hypnotherapists and counsellors are professional people, they belong to professional bodies such as the Hypnotherapy Society and the BACP (British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy) and the professions have to seek a professional and ethical reputation, not only for the client but also for the
One issue that maybe encountered is involuntary group members. Corey, Williams, and Moline (1995) explained that ethically a counselor should advise clients of their rights, privileges and duties, as well as, advise them of any probable concerns they face if they choose to follow treatment. Another issue that may be encountered in group therapy is informed consent, which is extremely important when participation is mandatory. Informed consent is something that all counselors and counselor have to obtain from clients. Fallon (2006) states it is important because certain guidelines have to be followed by the counselor during a session and when a client becomes involuntary this puts the counselor in a comprising position.