Pros of Person-Centered Therapy

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Person Centred Therapy was developed in the 1940’s by Carl Rogers. The theory views the client as being the best equipped to understand their own experience and the actualizing tendency is the intrinsic capacity of all humans to fulfill their potential. The assumption is that all of us have a desire to be more than we are and the belief is that in order to achieve our fullest potential requires certain favourable conditions, these conditions are known as the three Core Conditions, Congruence, Unconditional Positive Regard and Empathy. Congruence or ‘genuiness’, the counsellor endeavors to be in relationship with he client, being in touch with her own feelings and to be sincere. The belief is that to the extent that the counsellor is congruent in the relationship, the client will feel free to express their feelings to a greater degree and gain more accurate perceptions of himself and others and also to notice the incongruence in their self concept and their actual experience. Unconditional Positive Regard, the counsellor aims to cultivate an outgoing, positive, non possessive and non-judgemental warmth for the full range of the clients emotional and mental experience. UPR is a healing energy which helps the client to discover long lost potential for growth. The counsellor should be able to refrain from judging the client as a person on the basis of their behaviour. As a result of a need for positive regard from others the client can modify their behaviour. A client that may have been raised under oppressive conditions of worth would have learnt that their behaviour is only valued when it is agreeable to the expectations of significant others. if the counsellor can deliver unconditional positive regard accurately it can directly diminish such conditions of worth. Counselling is not the same as our daily lives, the challenge to the Person-centred counsellor is
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