Ethnic Groups and Discrimination

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Ethnic Groups and Discrimination Victor Jones Axia College ETH/125 - CULTURAL DIVERSITY Ellen Kang February 5, 2012 Ethnic Groups and Discrimination In 1619 the African Americans were first brought to America to become indentured servants. The prejudice against persons with dark skin existed even in that time. The indentured servitude is why the African Americans became slaves. It was the Europeans who the first movement into making slave trades, and initiated the system of Chattel Slavery. Now there are a few of the tribes that did migrate here. Most of the African Americans here today are ancestors from the slaves. By reviewing several history books and reviewing different sites on the Internet. I would say that the African Americans were immigrated into the United States by Europeans’. According to the findings of Franklin, J. and Moss Jr., A. (2000), they were brought here in what is called a triangle trade. The majority of Africans was brought to North America against their will and was humanly exploited into the system in such a cruel fashion. Once the Africans made their way into the United States and were settled into their positions, they face prejudice, segregation as well as racism. They were treated as if they were animals and did not have any rights as human beings. The white owners of the slaves were harsh in their manners to the slaves and treated them as though they were superior to the
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