Ethics In Teaching

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What are ethics? Generally speaking, ethics are codes of conduct or morals one goes by when deciding between what is wrong and right. These morals are personal values that a person lives by. Even though teachers are responsible for teaching students to take responsibility for their actions, parents are the main contributors to a student’s morals; however, teachers help set examples for students; including morals and ethical conduct. First of all, teachers must show ethical conduct toward their students; whether it be through keeping student information confidential or treating each student equally without prejudice. As a teacher, respect should be shown to the students, along with dealing with students in a just and fair way, and dealing with discipline as it should be according to law. A teacher should strive to keep his or her students learning in a nurturing environment that will increase the potential of every student. Ethical conduct towards students will help them develop their own morals to live by. Furthermore, teachers should be ethical when it comes to their work and profession. In the workplace, teachers should strive to continue their professional growth, and take responsibility for his or her performance. Most importantly teachers should be honest when it comes to their work. Teachers should not misrepresent the school policies, and should distinguish his or her personal opinions from those of the school. Overall, teachers should respect and obey school law and polices and demonstrate personal honesty. Just in the same way, teachers should also present ethical conduct toward fellow colleagues. A teacher should not be making false statements about other colleagues or spreading personal and confidential information around. Teachers should not discriminate against other teachers, and each member of the profession should be treated
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