Ethical & Legal Contract in the Counselling Profession

2170 Words9 Pages
Counselling Skills, Development and Practice Unit 06: outcomes 4.1 – 4.5 Assignment: Ethical & Legal Contract in the Counselling Profession Wordcount: 2055 words In this essay I will examine the function of the Ethical & legal Contact in Counselling. Included will be the guidelines within the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists. The relationships which form between counselor and client must have some boundaries for both parties and the BACP has standardised a code of ethics to help safeguard both, even though there are multiple differences between each person. For example, people generally have different morals, principles, code of conduct, culture, religion, upbringing, mind and heart set, as well as own developed boundaries for each individual. I will be looking into these aspects in this essay, as these are the facets which will affect the relationship between counselor and client. The legal considerations relevant to practice as in the:  Race Relations Act 1976 and Race Relations (Amendment) Act  2000  The Sex Discrimination Act (SDA) 1975 (amended 1986)  Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995 have been enforced so as not to allow discrimination of anyone based on their ethnicity, colour, race, nationality, creed, sex, disability or mental challenge within education and employment. Obviously, as practitioners we will need to abide with them in order to fully benefit not only the client, by being effective in using the core skills, but our own awareness of our own internal struggle and world view. Even though these acts are set, the human psyche and heart, sometimes cannot be controlled internally, thus we undergo training to help us discriminate less and allow the process of determining a working relationship to flourish and make it easier to aid the client toward their own actualisation. I know that if I were to be

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