The use of chemicals in the hydrofracking process and the energy needed to operate the trucks and drills, critics say, offset the low carbon emissions from the burning of natural gas, making it no better than oil or coal. Furthermore, opponents contend, pollutants left behind at hydrofracking drilling sites could seep out from closed pipes and wells, posing a danger to public health for generations. Therefore, critics say, the federal government must step in to institute stricter regulations than the states have already
It is very corrosive and causes severe burns. It is very harmful by skin contact or by inhalation of dust. This cocktail together is used for getting into the ground and then it contributes to global climate change creating air pollution. They argue that fracking harms the environment and can hurt other living species such as bird, and fish. All of this is true; however, natural gas is a cleaner burning fuel and it has other advantages.
However, just the same, negative reviews can reduce the demand. An example would be: “a definitive finding that the caffeine in coffee contributes to heart disease, which is currently being debated in the scientific community, could change preferences and reduce the demand for coffee.” (Principles of Economics) In this case, the price would go down. When something is in shortage for any reason, the price of the product goes up because there’s less of it to go around. For coffee in particular, droughts may affect how many beans can be harvested. The textbook says, “Storms, insect infestations, and drought affect agricultural production and thus the supply of agricultural goods.
However, this type of approach usually relies on detailed regulations that are put into place and were followed-up by other ongoing inspection programs, which in the United States are the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Advantages /Disadvantages The advantages of a command and control regulations are more preferred in cases where there are highly toxic pollutants, which are a concern for people and the environment. Also, they are preferred when the initial reduction in the amount of pollutant significantly benefits society. Some disadvantages include; technology is constantly changing which makes it very difficult for the regulatory agency to stay current with more effective methods. Also, they limit the firm’s ability to find most cost-effective ways to continue production while reducing pollution.
The command and control approach typically relies on detailed regulations followed by an ongoing audit and inspection program. Command and control regulations have some benefits. One example is in a situation in which the pollutant is highly toxic, yet the public concern would outweigh any economic efficiency concerns. Another example occurs when the reduction in the amount of pollutant benefits a society. An example of a disadvantage includes attempting to keep technology current with the most effective methods.
Hydropower plays a major role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions which could also help with less pollution released into the environment. Hydroelectricity requires relatively low operations and maintenance costs. This is very beneficial today since the economy is bad and that we have had a bad president for the past eight years. Lastly, it's renewable - rainfall renews the water in the reservoir, so the fuel is almost always there. The disadvantages of hydroelectric power are high investment costs, hydrology dependent (precipitation), and fish entrainment or passage restriction.
The droughts and increased heat has had negative impacts on local aquatic invertebrates. Aquatic invertebrates are adapted to survive in a particular range of temperature and habitat. But global warming makes it harder to survive. This could lead to the extinction of several species of aquatic invertebrates which in turn would lead to serious consequences of the ecosystem. Many of the aquatic invertebrates are responsible for keeping the ecosystem clean by feeding on litters.
A Fracking Problem Drill, baby, drill, has been the mantra behind the ever-present need to find cheaper, more efficient energy. The most recent solution to our energy dilemma has been hydraulic fracturing, a process that may be causing more harm then benefit. While the natural gas produced from fracking, as the practice is nicknamed, is a cleaner alternative to both coal and oil, it still releases carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere promising no relief from the dangers of climate change. In addition to the climate change issue, the process of fracking is being investigated for claims of methane contamination of groundwater sources and possible negative geological effects, including human-induced earthquakes. The dangers
It might be acceptable from their point of view for this reasoning. Do to the fact, if they suffer losses, they may have to shut down their business. This in turn will lead to fewer jobs, reduced competition and even higher gas prices. This is why gas is the price it is now. Question 15, Chapter
Secondly, there is excessive disposal, mainly caused by the geology, making many sites suitable for landfill. Landfill sites also produce gases including carbon dioxide and methane which contribute to global warming, making it very unsustainable. Toxic leachate may occur, which will inevitably harm animals and water courses. Although this is very unsustainable, the waste can be incinerated to produce energy (leading to less stress on other resources, therefore more sustainable), but there is concern on whether this acts as a carcinogen which can lead to the formation of cancerous tissues, still making it