Ethical Issues in Business Communication

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Essay “Ethical Issues in Business Communication” “The Speedy Sale” Case Thinking of business communication I generally imagine a communication of two groups of people: buyer and seller at the marketplace. The reason why I think of it is that every person is either consumer or customer, or both together, and they interact with each other, they want to exchange their product to another product they are interested in or money. Of course people from both groups will think of their own prospecting and getting much more than they should have, it’s a nature of a person. Because of their insatiable nature people are cheating, stealing and forgetting about humanity and ethics. And I have chosen the case “The Speedy Sale”, because in it I saw a real example of how sellers are manipulating with buyers acknowledgment, and wanted to try to explain for myself what could be done in such situations. Geoffrey P. Lantos, the author of the case writes about Sam, salesperson and Bernie, who wants to buy a new television from Sam. Bernie comes to Sam and says that his old television is broken, he misses his TV shows and that the faster he buys and sooner it is delivered is better. Sam knows what exact model Bernie wants, but that model should come after 3 and half weeks with the sales discount. He understands that if he tells Bernie this information, he could lose a buyer, because Bernie would go somewhere else rather than to wait for so many weeks. And even if Bernie buys the television, the commissions Sam gets will be not high. That’s why Sam doesn’t want to tell his client about that version of selling. He says to Bernie that TV set won’t be able for another week, and feels that he will lose a buyer. He goes to the sales manager to ask about the speeding up the delivery and gets a negative answer. Sales manager advices Sam to tell the buyer that they will get
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