Ethical Analysis Paper

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Running Head: Aristotle-Ethical Analysis paper TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: This paper was compiled with the basic motive of renouncing Aristotle’s literary contribution in the field of ethics. Aristotle, Plato’s student and a teacher to Alexander the Great (Aristotle, 2007, p.12), was a Greek philosopher with a wide and varied range of contributions in different fields and subjects. Some of his contributions covered the following areas of study: physics, logic, poetry, politics, ethics biology, theatre, linguistic, rhetoric, zoology and many more. He, together with Plato his teacher and Socrates are the three founding fathers of modern western philosophy. As much as his ideologies and Plato’s differed at some instances (Aristotle, 2007, p. 235), their combined contributions have been instrumental in shaping the modern day logic and scholarly works. Aristotle’s philosophy could generally be categorized into: Logic; Theoretical Philosophy (Metaphysics, Physics and Mathematics); Practical Philosophy (Ethics and Politics); and Poetical Philosophy (Aristotle, 2007, p.112).


One of Aristotle’s greatest contributions in the field of ethics is what is called the Nicomachean Ethics. In this book, he explains the relationship between human needs and their respective conduct (Urmson,1988, p.146). The manner in which a human being behaves solely depends on what he considers good. In his definition, something good is something that acclaims happiness which is a state of nature. Mainly, the subject is concerned with the human aim of having a character of virtue that brings him good and eventually happiness (Urmson, 1988, p. 564). Aristotle proposes some rules of conduct and gives an explanation of

Aristotle-Ethical Analysis paper virtue and goodness that is still helpful to the modern man in attaining full and a better understanding of his responsibilities as a member of
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