Ethel’s Chocolate Lounge Case Study

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1. Describe the type of consume buying decision that best describes the choice to indulge at Ethel’s. The type of consumer buying decisions that was used in Ethel’s Chocolate Lounge case study are interpersonal influences. “Consumers are faced with purchase decisions nearly every day, but not all decisions are treated the same says,” Thomas Sims (2004) of News Week Magazine. According to Sims, it is important to understand how consumers treat the purchase decisions they face. If a company is targeting customers who feel a purchase decision is difficult, their marketing strategy may vary greatly from a company targeting customers who view the purchase decision as routine. In fact, the same company may face both situations at the same time; for some customers the product is new, while other customers see the purchase as routine. The implication buying behavior for marketers is that different buying situations require different marketing efforts. Many professionals today are asked to influence in situations where they formal authority. Results, in these situations, are still achieved only with the willing cooperation of others. According to Kevin Kelleher (2006), a company’s success is dependent upon others. People may, or may not, choose to act interdependently. This creates both a challenge and an opportunity to lead. Leadership is the process of influence. Defined as such, every attempt we take to influence is an attempt to lead. As such, the need to think about power is also a critical aspect of assessing our own leadership. According to Kelleher, the purpose of including power in the discussion of leadership lies in the critical link between our potential to influence (our power) and actual success we experience while influencing (our actions and behavior). 2. Discuss the factors that influence a customer to spend money and time at Ethel’s. The companies that
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