Eth303Q Essay

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ETH 203Q Assignment 2 Question1 Discuss the 4 principles of personal and social guidance. Principles of personal and social guidance Educators must support learners on a personal level, that is, every aspect of the learner should be noted. You should ask yourself questions such as the following: How is Tabu doing in my class? Am I giving him the opportunity to grow to his full potential? Is he flourishing because of our contact, or does he feel inferior and a failure because of our contact with each other? We will now briefly look at four principles on which personal and social guidance rest. Individual uniqueness Learners have their own inner values. Educators should respect learners and their values, and help learners to discover their own self-worth. Learners need to develop an understanding of their own individuality. Acceptance Once educators accept the uniqueness of learners, learners will learn to accept educators. A mutual relationship based on acceptance is essential for supporting students in their personal development, for when we accept learners, they will entrust themselves to us and accept the care and support that we offer. Association Educators need to get to know learners, since it is impossible to support any learner from a distance. Once a relationship is formed between the educator and the learner, it is possible to work together towards finding solutions to the issues confronting the learner. Encounter When two people have an encounter, they make an effort to communicate and make contact with each other. The educator and student must, therefore, meet each other with dignity and respect. Question 2 How would you explain the following concepts to a group of parents? (a) Decision making skills A
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