Eth 376 United Thermostatic

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United Thermostatic Controls ETH/376 United Thermostatic Controls United Thermostatic Controls is a manufacturing business for commercial and residential thermostats. Frank Campbell was the director of the Southern Division and was not satisfied that the targeted budged for 2010 was not met. When targeted budgets are not met, no bonus will be paid to the managers. Frank Campbell had an alternative way to increase the sales for the year. When the sales are increased for his division, bonuses could be paid to the managers. Frank Campbell reviewed the purchase orders received from November and December. He wanted to determine if any shipments to the customers before December 31 may increase their sales. The alternative way to report sales was to increase sales by sending out two shipments to customers. Although the customers only needed the shipment the following year, this would be a way to exceed the targeted budget. Instead of offering the customers an early discount for receiving the merchandise earlier, Campbell sent the merchandise and reported the sales to be included in the financial reports. As a result of this procedure, the reported sales for the fourth quarter exceeded the budgeted amount with $80,000.00. The actual sales revenue for the year was over with $14,000.00. The internal auditors questioned why the two shipments were done before December 31, since the requested dates were in the following year. The shipments had a total value of $150,000.00. Another concern for the internal auditors was that there was no written agreement with United Thermostatic Controls to accept the early shipments and pay for them before they actually needed the merchandise. The internal auditors also discovered that Frank Campbell put pressure on the accountants to record the shipments to show the sales. Their concerns were discussed with

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