Eth 306 W

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ETH306W: Assignment 02 Memorandum At top of first page students should write for which phase they are enrolled. This will guide you when reading their answers because they may apply some information to a specific school phase. In question 4 they have to do either 4.1 (ECD phase) or 4.2 (Intermediate and FET phases). The purpose of this assignment is to ascertain that you know and understand the theoretical content of this module. You have to acquaint yourself with new development in the field of Inclusive Education including intrinsic and extrinsic barriers to learning and development. In order to give support to a learner who has a barrier to learning, you should be familiar with the basic knowledge of the barrier. This should guide you to develop forms of support for learners with barriers to learning Assessment criteria: You will be assessed on you understanding of the various concepts and the practical application of the theory by explaining the support that you as a teacher can render in the classroom. Question 1 You are requested by the principal of the school where you are teaching to address the other staff members about Inclusive Education is and what intrinsic and extrinsic barriers to learning and development are. Write your speech making use of headings and subheadings. The speech should be two to three pages if typed or three to four pages if handwritten. You are referred to Study Unit 2 (p 18) and Appendix N (p 319) of your Study guide. (30) Students' answers Layout, planning and headings (2) SA policy on Inclusive Education Reference to the NCSNET/NCESS report The report culminated into the White Paper 2001 which is now the official policy Inclusive education is part of our education system Part of human rights Part of our Constitution that everyone has a right to basic education All learners and young

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