Eth/125 Discrimination Worksheet

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Discrimination Worksheet ETH/125 Discrimination is the denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice or for arbitrary reasons. Prejudice is a belief or attitude. On the other hand discrimination is action. “Unlike prejudice, discrimination involves behavior that excludes members of a group from certain rights, opportunities, or privileges” (Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth Edition, 2012, p. 35). Stereotyping is when there are unreliable generalizations about all member of a group that do not take individual differences into account. Prejudice refers to negative judgments or views about a group formed without reason, thought, or knowledg. A stereotype(often a negative one) is generalization about a group based on samples that don’t represent the group, in which the generalization becomes so well-known, it becomes a “conventional image” for the group in question, often accepted as truth by the illogical bunch. Discrimination is the act of excluding a group from some right, privilege, or service *based upon* prejudice and stereotyping. Stereotypes could be a form of prejudice if they are negative generalizations. Discrimination is caused by a number of reasons, one of which is learned behavior. If you grew up seeing discrimination practiced by your parents, you will probably follow the same mind-set. This does not mean that everyone who has prejudice or parents that discriminate will also be growing up. If that is all they are taught then most likely they will also be prejudice or discriminate. Like prejudice and stereotyping discrimination is learned it is not something that someone is born with it is learned from someone at some point in their life. It can be learned by someone in their family or by anyone that this person that the person is around or influenced by. Other examples of what causes
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