Essay On The Cosby Show

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There are many people out there that say that television is all bad now. There is nothing positive about any of it. It is true that there are many shows out there that just show violence and negativity. With that being said though; there are many shows out there that are just as positive. “The Cosby Show”, The Fresh Price of Bellaire”, and even “Little House on the Prairie” are just a few examples. All of these shows can and have shaped our culture. Take for example “The Cosby Show”. This was a long running series for tv. It was about a black male doctor and his wife who was a successful attorney raising a family. This show showed many people across the country that every family has the same kind of issues in their lives. The type of shows mentioned above helped many families deal with many different types of issues like drinking, smoking, or doing drugs. They showed…show more content…
There are those who only like shows that have violence and explicit details in their shows. At the same time there are people out there that do not care for this type of entertainment and want something more positive. Television stations and cable shows make money catering to both kinds of entertainment. There are just as many family shows out there as there are the violent shows. It can have a huge impact on our society. Just as the family shows can have a positive effect, so too can the violent shows. I believe that if a person only watches violence they become desensitized to it. It no longer bothers them to see someone get hurt or killed on tv. This is truly sad as many parents let their children watch shows like this every night. I can honestly say that television is what a person/family makes of it. It can either affect you in a positive light or it can be very negative. To me it all comes down to what we allow our children to see and experience when they are young. The television shows are not the ones to
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