Were to be adopted by all agencies working with children. One of the main criticisms of the services for children in the past had been the failure of professionals to understand each other’s roles of working together in a multi-disciplinary manner. This was highlighted in the Laming Inquiry and the ECM initiative sought to change this. Despite huge changes being made to the way in which professionals were to work with children and to safeguard them, the murders of Jessica Chapman and Holly Wells prompted a further inquiry. The Richard Inquiry recommended a new scheme under
This perspective can also be used to explain phobias. This perspective could help us to understand a service user who has a phobia of needles. Freud would say that the phobia is a symbol of an unconscious problem or past experience in childhood e.g. a patient may have been hurt by a needle or had an awful experience – poking around for a vein. Now they are older and may need blood tests, maybe insulin dependent diabetic - they would need psychoanalysis in the day care centre to get over this phobia We need to be careful not to make assumptions about services users – their behaviour may be due to earlier childhood experiences.
Parental mental illness can have a negative effect on the parent / child relationship and child development, especially where there is little external support. Children with parents who had mental illness had a higher likelihood of child neglect and this was a considerable risk factor in their safety and welfare. There are difficulties when multiple agencies are involved with a family and problems with communication and information sharing is a challenge. Contents Introduction page 3 Study design page 4 Critical discussion page 5 Conclusion page 12
Fear of confrontation with resourceful parents overwhelms their desire of alerting child neglect. As a result children may continue to live in negligent despite public knowledge. Children with disabilities have in general a larger risk of being abused (predators seek out the weakest). Knowing this, both families and teachers have a very low threshold for alerting Child welfare. The situation may improve if the issue of children’s welfare were put on the agenda, in media as well as in school.
Partnership working and communication between agencies is identified as key in order to identify vulnerable children and to help keep them safe from harm and abuse. The All-Wales Child Protection Procedures were originally written in 2002, and substantially revised in 2008. The children Act 1989 -- was brought in to ensure that all people who work with children worked together and were clear about their responsibilities and knew how to act if allegations of child abuse were made. Parents and professionals must work to ensure the safety of the child. Local Authority has ‘a duty to investigate when there is a reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering or likely to suffer significant harm.
Parental and family risk factors effects and shapes the individual into the person that they are today. It is vital for society to know the past life of an individual, who is being disobedient to the norms of society. Issues that are factor in criminal person actions are the following; was the parent inadequate with their parental skills? Did the criminal get abused as a child? Were they raised in a low budget?
That would entail the social workers to advocate and negotiate assertively in order to challenge any future discrimination, oppression or abuse that would be exposed to individuals or a particular service user group. Looking back at the incidents that happened to the people with learning disabilities under the care of Cornwall Partnership NHS Trust. One way of explaining the social workers’ failure to carry out assessments could be due to the mismanagement between the health and social services as none of the agencies was prepared to take full responsibility of people with learning
Single parents have a lack of funds to support their children’s needs. There is a certain amount of social stigma pointed towards children living in poverty, and it’s these children, who, not only have to deal with that stigma and embarrassment, but, also they are dealing with the dramatic health consequences as well. There are a number of strategies in place to end child poverty. Improving social mobility and promoting work are high on the agenda, along with services to help promote the most vulnerable and hopefully, this in turn, will eradicate child poverty for good. There are a number of causes to child poverty in the UK.
Children service workers must be directive and take much caution not to threaten, devalue or apologize. Children’s Service Workers have to know certain techniques to effectively work with clients that are threatening and sometimes hostile. It is very important to seek and gain knowledge of various ways to reduce resistance to treatment and to prevent the potential for violence in the casework interview. When working in child welfare the majority of clients a social worker deals with are involuntary and resistant. Social workers must try to think like the client and understand general thoughts behind the client’s resistive behavior.
This stresses the importance of attachment, and therefore the negative impact long term deprivation has on children. Richards (1987) theorised that the experience of divorce seems to affect children more than a parent’s death. This may be due to several factors such as little or no contact if one parent leaves the home; stress of family reordering; or the child may blame themselves for the divorce. However, this was a case study which cannot be generalised as the children’s situations are unique, and therefore different to others. Moreover, death could seem to have a less affect on children depending on their upbringing and nature of the situation.